Quarantine Studios presents ‘Cause & Effect Art Show’

Hello freinds, strangers and art lovers!  This is my first blog post.  It’s hard to tell if anyone will actually read it but I figure why not use this platform to the fullest.  At least I can say whatever I want to say without worrying about being reported or deplatformed and suspended.  Many creatives are being censored on social media. I think that these tacics will come back to bite the social media giants in the ass.  Twitter is actually sending notices of ‘permanent suspension’.  Is it me or is that a bit of an oxymoron?  The whole concept of suspension entails that is temporary.  The finality of it is ludicrous.  

         I think as creatives and free thinkers we will need to start using alternatives to the technocratic platforms that Silicon Valley built.  I’ll rant more about this in future posts but what I really want to tell you about is an event that’s taking place after the holidays on Jan 26th @Trhive community center in Hauppauge Long Island.....Cause & Effect Art Show.  I recently relocated back to Long Island after bouncing around the boroughs for a decade and I think that there’s a huge gap between the amount of talent that resides out here the amount of opportunities to showcase artists and their work.  There are some amazing galleries that cater to cutting edge artists...Haven comes to mind.  Muneca arthouse is a new one to look to as well.  What I’m saying is that there’s enough creative energy networking potential to do something unique and different.  I think if I can remove the money from the equation I can take risks...calculated risks, and create a quarterly event that’s not tied to a brick and mortar business model, thereby removing the profit principle.  Basically I want to make a hybrid show that gives absolute freedom to emerging artists and community groups.  I got very inspired a long time ago to do something like this after reading articles about ‘Cannible Flower’ in Los Angeles.  It was a sporadic event in which artists came together for one night and brought a painting and just threw it up.  If you haven’t heard of it , look it up. Many great artists participated in Cannible Flower.  I started to wonder what that would look like in New York.  So I started reaching out to old freinds from the Long Island music scene, which I’m sure you know is one of the most criminally under-appreciated scenes out there.  Many of these people are multi-talented artists.  I reconnected with the Absynthe Minded crew, who were very active in the early 2000s in the music and art scene here in New York.  

        New York is home to many different styles of art and Long Island needs a little light to shine in so if you are an artist and you want to put your finger on the pulse of the creative scene today just get in touch.  There’s still room in this show...but it’s coming together fast so hurry up.  If you’re an art lover...come check it out.  We are also bringing music into the fold.  I’m looking for unique acts that think outside the box.  For this iteration of Cause & Effect we will have FAWWN and the Grau Brothers laying down dop soundscapes and a set by DJ Alky Styles.  This is an aspect that I really look forward to in the future versions of the Cause & Effect Art Show.  Get involved, get in touch.  Call me at 631-202-9918, @quarantinestudios @justinkleinart, justinkleintattoo@gmail.com.  Take care and see you there .     JK

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